In Tenerife’s natural environment, it’s common to find a variety of insects, many of which are harmless. However, with the arrival of certain seasons, the bites from some of these small creatures can become a nuisance. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help us reduce the risk of being bitten and effectively treat bites when they occur.
The World of Insects and Their Bites
Common types and their effects
Not all insects bite. But among those that do, the most common in Tenerife are mosquitoes, wasps, and ants. These insects bite to defend themselves or feed. Reactions can range from slight irritation to pronounced swelling or, in rare cases, an allergic reaction.
Why do they bite me?
Insects are attracted by a combination of factors, including the carbon dioxide we exhale, body heat, bright colors, and certain smells, such as perfumes or lotions.

Prevention: Avoiding the Encounter
Appropriate clothing
Choosing light-colored clothing with a compact texture can help deter insects. Additionally, wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts reduces exposed skin surface.
Effective repellents
There are numerous repellents on the market. It’s important to read labels and choose one effective against the area’s insects.
Awareness of the environment
Avoiding areas with a high concentration of insects, such as stagnant water puddles or gardens in full bloom, can reduce the risk of bites.
Treatment: Easing the Discomfort
Home remedies
Applying ice or a cold compress can alleviate burning and swelling. Baking soda solutions can also help neutralize itching.

Pharmaceutical products
There are anti-itch creams and lotions available at pharmacies that can alleviate itching and inflammation.
When to seek help
If you experience symptoms like difficulty breathing, extreme swelling, or dizziness after a bite, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately.
Our natural environment is a wonder, but it also presents challenges like insect bites. Armed with the right knowledge, we can enjoy Tenerife’s beauty without the nuisances these tiny creatures can cause. At Villar and Ibarra Medical Center, we strive to provide you with information that lets you live in harmony with nature, caring for your well-being and health at every step.
Keywords of the note: Bites, Insects, Prevention, Treatment, Tenerife, Villar and Ibarra Medical Center, Health, Well-being, Nature, Repellents.